
Can you guys give me the answer of below question & explain the reason.

Thanks for ur help.



8 You are taking over a project during the planning process group and discover that six individuals have signed the project charter. Which of the following should most concern you?


A Who will be a member of the change control board

B Spending more time on configuration management

C Getting a single project sponsor

D Determining the reporting structure


10 The WBS and WBS dictionary are completed. The project team has begun working on identifying risks. The sponsor contacts the project manager, requesting that the responsibility assignment matrix be issued. The project has a budget of U.S. $loo,ooo and is taking place in three countries using 14 human resources. There is little risk expected for the project and the project manager has managed many projects similar to this one. What is the next thing to do?


A Understand the experience of the sponsor on similar projects.

B Create an activity list.

C Make sure the project scope is defined.

D Complete risk management and issue the responsibility assignment matrix.


54 You are a project manager leading a cross-functional project team in a weak matrix environment. None of your project team members report to you functionally and you do not have the ability to directly reward their performance. The project is difficult, involving tight date constraints and challenging quality standards. Which of the following types of project management power will likely be the most effective in this circumstance?


A Referent

B Expert

C Penalty

C Formal


As per me:-


Ans: D Determining the reporting structure


Ans: D Complete risk management and issue the responsibility assignment matrix.



B Expert



can u explain ur answer's BTW the right answers are

 D Determining the reporting structure

B.Create an activity list

B. Expert





Hi Girish

I will try to explain it but my explanation may be incorrect, bcoz I am not a expert. 


 D Determining the reporting structure 

Because if 6 person will sign the charter then if some things needs to escalate or PM needs to contact somebody for any ref then whom he should get in touch.


B. Expert 

Most effective management powers are Reward & Expert. So PM dont have any access to reward, so left expert. His exp here can help him.



B.Create an activity list 

 The WBS and WBS dictionary are completed. After this stage Creating Activity list comes. So the answer is right. But I got confuse on the below line. I thought they already done Activity List and thats what they are working on risk identification.

The project team has begun
working on identifying risks. The sponsor contacts the project manager



8. B

Reason: Due to increase in communication channel (6+) thereby resulting in increased effort in fulfilling competing demands of the stakeholders.

10. B

This can be answered if you know the sequence of all the processes repective to the knowledge areas.

54. B

This should be expert, 'coz the PM is powerless here. To make a presence there he should have some expert power. Else he will be forgotten :)


Peter, PMP



My answers are: 

B Spending more time on configuration management

B Create an activity list.

B Expert



B:Spending more time in configuration management. See pg 117 of RMC 5th edition. It explains "In addition to added communications requirements, you should be concerned with competing needs and requirements impacting your efforts on configuration management".  

B:Create an activity list. See pg 83 of RMC 5th edition. Only activity list comes after WBS and WBS dictionary. Creating network diagram should be done before risk management.

B: Expert 

If you ask me, these are the answers, and I am pretty sure about that. May be other PMPs should chip in as well.


Ans: Spending more time on configuration management.


Ans: D Complete risk management and issue the responsibility assignment matrix.



B Expert  

Reasons of q 8 and q 10 are as shown reason for q 9 is that, activit list is not an answer because they are considering risk aspect, and risk aspect comes only after critical path, schedule and budget, see rita s chart(that means activity list has already been completed). It clearly shows they started risk, now we should complete risk management and then responsibility assignment matrix (as sponsor asks for it, so we neeed to do it).


The risk option would have been right if the risk expected would have been hiy gh or moderate. Here it clearly mentions that the risk expected is "little" And when there are such little risks, you should keep it on a watchlist. So even i would go with "Create an activity list."


Swati, in the question , it clearly says, there are three reasons:

1) - "The project team has begun working on identifying risks."

 What this means activity definition sequencing, schedule development are already complete. And creation of activity list takes place in activity definition so that is why.And I would request you to please see Rita's chart or any other chart that tells you which process occurs when, I mean their sequence.

2) - See I know question says small risk, that is meant to confuse us, be it warning, or small risk, but still we need to do risk management.

3) - The sponsor contacts the project manager, requesting that the responsibility assignment matrix be issued. So there is only choice D - Complete risk management and issue the responsibility assignment matrix, which actually solveds the problem asked and completes the responsibility assignment.

Swati, I tried to tell you whatever I felt right and what ever I would have answered in my PMP. Nobody is an expert,if you are convinced and feel I am wrong, thats fine, but I would suggest, please ask any other PMPs also.

admin's picture

Each answer is valid and I am sure one can justify any answer. We have to pick the best answer, which adheres to PMBOK. This thread is a good example and practice on how to pick the best answer.

In most cases, the best answer would be.

 1. Something out of PMBOK. Eg: What is next thing to do as per PMBOK

2. The question will have some catch which will point towards the best answer.

3. Common sense :)



Well Admin,

Actually, I didnt get what you were trying to say. 

I apologize if I have said or conveyed something else. What I wanted to say was, as per my knowledge, this is the best answer and I gave my reasonings too, but please ask other PMPs also as no one is perfect. Hope I clarified my case.



admin's picture

I was not commenting on your reply, Just mentioning in general after reading all the comments.

Since there is different answers and some questions are tricky and to find the best answer you have to read and re-read.



Alright, thanks for clarification.