Braindump before exam starts

I have read throughout this forum and others about performing a braindump during the 15 minute tutorial prior to the exam starting.

My understanding is that one should write out all the processes from either Rita's Process Chart or the PMBOK Chart ( I am doing Rita's 72 processes) along with the 18 to 20 formulas.

The problem is, that for me at least, 15 minutes is not long enough to write out all of the processes and formulas even while writing as fast as possible and abbreviating as much as possible.

Does the exam automatically start at the end of the 15 minute tutorial, or do you have to click a button to start the exam in which case I could have some additional time to complete my braindump ?

Thanks in advance for any input or clarification on this.


  •  the tutorial is interactive. u hav to press next,next and go on
  • exam automatically starts after 15 mins,when counter goes from 14:59 to 0
  • however u can click start exam button anytime during tutorial
  • don worry abt the dump
  • i hardly referred my dump during exam- may be 5 times
  • i only wrote ittos from only 3 critical chapters-that seemed imp to me after solving mocks
  • i used menemonics from pmzilla
  • make sure u know the t/t from all the KA s
  • pg 43 of pmbok and formulas
  • i had 2 mins time left after dumping all

if any more queries do ask me:)


Thanks for your input, much appreciated