Advise My Mock Tests Performance

Hi All,

I would like to ask you about your opinion on my performance shown so far in the PMP mock tests.

I have:

73.30 % on Lehmann (75q)

75.00 % on Lehmann (175q)

73.14 % on (200q)

Rita's 7th Edition - More than 70.00 % on each Chapter test

73.71 % on PMStudy (1st free test) - I took this before covering the Procurement Management. On my second pass, I've earned more than my first score

80.57 % on PMStudy (2nd test)

80.00 % on PMStudy (3rd test)

78.86 % on PMStudy (4th test)

62.00 % on PMZilla test (200 tough questions)

So, what do you think? Am I performing enough for the real thing?

Thank you in advance for your feedback on this!

Hi Software,


I feel you are doing very well. Especially when you say you could score 73% in PMStudy1 in spite of not reading PPM, so its very good.


You are doing very well. When do you plan for real test by the way?


Thanks, KK....

admin's picture

Your scores are excellent.

You got 73% in PMZilla test. ? I didnt understand the comment, how did you access PMZIlla questions from Simplilearn ?

Maybe I did a different test... Can you tell me how to access the real PMZilla test? :-)

And what about the wording of the questions on the real PMP exam...

Is the wording the same like in PMStudy or Rita's questions?

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

admin's picture

Okay. you can buy PMZilla test here

wordings of PMZilla, PMStudy are close to real exam, Rita is also good, but worded differently, but helps in preparing for real exam.

Dear admin,

I've puchased the PMZilla 200q test and sent an e-mail so I can accelerate the e-book sending. :-)

Section 1 - 63.00 %

Section 2 - 63.00 %

Section 3 - 56.00 %

Section 4 - 60.00 %

Section 5 - 67.00 %

Section 6 - 63.00 %

Overall: 62.00 %

Are these results good given the difficulty of the questions?

Thanks in advance.

admin's picture

results are good. Focus on Section 3 as that seems to be your weak area.

Take the same test again. You should be scoring much higher. Then go for 75 questions and again you should be scoring around 70%, which is a good score.

Thank you for your advice. I successfully took the exam this morning...