Passed PMP Exam Yesterday






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Congratulations Archana, Thanks for sharing your experience with this group



I seriously question the authenticity of this post. I believe this is an ad. posted for The thread doesn't have usual pattern, reflective of an individual's effort, understanding or exam experience.

I know, logically there is no way for to verify this. But, I just want to advise the readers to take this with a pinch of salt. Re-read the above thread, and compare to other ones, you can judge yourself. (compare with anything, except with one other thread, which used all superlatives for, I had, serious doubt then, as well).

Think about it, the thread won't even talk about reading PMBOK once.

Keep Them Honest

After I read this thread, I was thinking the samething!


Keep_Honest’s doubt is genuine. But let people post what was their way to prepare sometimes it may be true.

Aspirant will read all LL and they will decide best for them.

I am also PMP. My sincere advice to all aspirants is first PMBOK then all blab blab blab

Hi Vijay,

Thanks for your advice ....I am planning for PMP and was quite confused.... Whether to follow PMBOK, RITA or the softwares available in the market...But now I will First finish PMBOK then RITA.


