Five days for exam -need advice

Hi All

I have exam in five days and below are my scores of different test till now



Brainbook 50


pmpzilla 30




passionate pmp 50


Oliver 75


Kim Haldmen




oliver lehman 175


exam Central


pmstudy test 2






pmpzilla 75 sample questions


pmzilla tough questions







Strategy for next 4 days

1) Go through PMBOK once

2)  Read Rajesh Nair Notes

3) Practive Braindump

Please guide me If i need to do anything more.

Thanks !



Hi ,

You are ready to give the exam out... Good luck..Just read PMBOK and don't stress out too much..your Practice tests scroes looks much better than mine ..I hardly scored 70% in all my tests..I had my scores ranging from 50-70% ..and was able to get 3P and 2 MP's in the test...

All the Math questions were very simple..Infact I did not even look at my braindump durng exam.. :)

All the very best and hope you get all 5P's  :)



I have one week left for my 2nd try, the last mock test I did was PMstudy200 questions, I got 66%. after reviewed all the wrong answers and read PMbok again, I feel more confident, today I did another text PMZest 100 questions but only got 55% score. so frustrated.:(


Dear prakharsidana,

You are doing good, in case you want to remove more gaps take 1-2 more quality mock tests. Good luck.

Thanks & Regards,
Mohit Kumar


U're in the right track. Just go through PMBOK once again to fill your knowledge gaps from the mock tests. U'll certainly rock. Goodluck man!.

admin's picture

Doing good pal, go for PMP

Thanks a lot  everyone for the feedback. !

Will go through the PMBOK and attemep couple of test from Scordio (10-12)  and hope for the best in exam


Thanks a lot  everyone for the feedback. !

Will go through the PMBOK and attemep couple of test from Scordio (10-12)  and hope for the best in exam


tmanivannan's picture

 Hi dude,


Have you completed the exam and please share your LL in this group if you completed the Exam. 

All the very best

- Mani

I've read several LL but most dealt w/3rd edition; are there any thoughts on the 4th edition?
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admin's picture

Looking at your scores, I can predict you will come out with 5Ps in real exam.

Can you take a Simpli learn exam it is free and also it has situation based questions. if you score more than 75% i am confident you will be through 

Hi All

I cleared PMP today  with 2P and 3MP. Will post the LL soon.



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I hardly scored 70% in all my tests..I had my scores ranging from 50-70% ..and was able to get 3P and 2 MP's in the test... cool games

 Hi Mamaiz,

Thats great that you passed! How long did you study? Which Mock exams did you use? What did you do to prepare?


 Hi Mamaiz,

Thats great that you passed! How long did you study? Which Mock exams did you use? What did you do to prepare?