When a negative risk occurs in a project, a response to it would be called

The below question is from Christopher Scordo book. I selected the answer as A since there is nothing in the question that indicates that the risk was not planned. The book however mentions that the correct answer will be 'C'. 

Your thoughts?



When a negative risk occurs in a project, a response to it would be called:

  1. A contingency plan

  2. Failure planning

  3. A workaround

  4. Backup planning


you might be correct but the lesson/ learning from this question is:

Risk responses are always pro-actions/advance actions, and when responses are there, risks will not occur but are nuteralized.

In other word Author's concept is that if risk occurs , means any response plan was not planned and developed in that ratio.

Develop Risk Response means not only an advance planning but an advance action /strategy like - insurance, contract, reserve resources etc.



duongnt's picture

C is correct.

U should remember that negative risk is not planned at planning stage. A workaround is response for that

C is correct.

As per defination of Workaround under Glossary section, it is a response to negative risk that has occured, as it is not planned in advance.

perfect answer..as per the books