How to get 35 PDUs ?

Whats is the best source to get the required 35 PDUs for PMP ?

You can visit the following link to download free PMP Exam Prep guide - How To Get PMP Certification - Download Free Guide. It will give you information about 35 contact hours and suggested PMP courses.

This guide gives complete information about the PMP Exam, including:

* Eligibility Criteria for the PMP Exam
* Pros & cons of different modes of training
* Study approach to pass the exam in first attempt
* Suggested PMP exam preparation schedule
* Recommended study material for the exam prep

Good luck.

There are several institutes offering required 35 PDUs with their 4days training program. You can attend one of the similar program to get PDUs as well as the assurity of passing the certification exam.

You can collect the 35 Contact Hours required for PMP exam from this online course -  -

This PMP course is approved by PMI for 37 contact hours. Most importantly, this course will prepare you so well that you would pass the PMP exam in your first attempt.