Exam score


Hellp Guys..

I am following PMZILLA on continue basis and sould like to thank everyone here for the support.

I wanted some guidence..As when i started studing for PMP..had thought its very easy and anyone can understand as these happen in day to day work(Although some of the topics were unknown) but still was confident.(Us to score only 60-65:-))

But when I actually started studing and got the concepts got to know its not a cake walk..and some of the answers which i use to think knew were only a fluke.

Now When i have actually started studing I am hell scared:-( I have read Head first(Loved it) once..PMBOK skim once(Hell boring but no choice)..Rita i red for once and liked the explanation.

After that also when i gave the exam I scored abt 64%:-(

And again i came back on the pavelion after doing everything I had read PMBOK 5 and given good time to understand as i find PMBOK too much boring and complicated(Specially ITTO)..gt diverted even and left the study for some days:-( but still completed it.

Now when i have decided on any cost i m not going to divert and need to do my PMP till June end..I am reading Rita again and while taking the examples scroing 70-80% .I am feeling I am still not confident on the concepts..

Should I complete it once..Give on emore Mock to test where I stand and then decide the next strategy:-( 

Please suggest me..because anyhw when I read I failed in first attempt..my heartbeats start beating faster:-(

