Various PMP Sample Quesions

Dear All,

Hope everyone is in best of their health and mood.

During my course of preparation... i have compiled several points from all knowledge areas which helped me during the exams to recall simple terms. I believe, this could surely come in handy for new Aspirants. Please have a look and share it ..if it could be help to anyone pursuing assistance. (link is external)

I have also collected several good PMP Resources. There are nearly 6000 questions and study material from famous instructors. i.e Edwell, Andy Crowre, Kim heldman, Christ Scorda, Headfirst, VBS(Egypt).

Do check 7.Hard questions ( most hardest questions on PMP) (link is external)

please can help us with the links to the 6000 qts and the first link that you provided is broken.

got the link now...they seem to be really useful.

Thankyou for sharing.

can you please send the link - the connection is broken. thanks for your help

The first link is not working.Can you give the correct one (link is external)... (link is external)

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