With out a valid PMI membership, can I earn PDUs ?

ranatungawk's picture
Hi Friends ;
I have some doubts of the PMI-membership and collecting PDUs. Could you please answer the following questions?
  1. If my membership is expired, will my already collected PDUs be inaccessible or lost?
  2. With out a valid PMI membership, can I earn PDUs ?
  3. Will PMI send notifications (E-mails) on upcoming web casts program  which can be used to earn PUDs to me ?
admin's picture

1. Accessible for 1 year.

2. Yes

3. Not sure, try to subscribe to their newsletter.

Per my personal experience, there doesn't seem be any correlation b/w having an active PMI membership and retaining CCR PDUs. It's been more than a year since my membership has expired but my PMP PDUs are very much intact and accessible.

~ Diba

ranatungawk's picture


Are you sure it won't accessible after 1 year ? coz i have attached the reply i received from PMI..

should I need to get any further clarification from PMI??

Dear Mr. Ranatunga,

Greetings from PMI® Asia Pacific Service Centre.

Thank you for your email.

To further clarify, PMI Membership is not a prerequisite for the application or renewal of any PMI Credential (e.g. PMP®, PgMP®).

If we may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact us at customercare.asiapac@pmi.org.

Warm regards,

Clara Yeo
Customer Care and Processing Associate
PMI Asia Pacific Service Centre

20, Bendemeer Road
Cyberhub, #04-02
Singapore 339914
Tel: +65 6496 5501
Fax: +65 6496 5599

Email: customercare.asiapac@pmi.org


There's absolutely no relation between PMI membership and PDUs. You can anyways report your earned PDUs on ccrs.pmi.org, whether you are a PMI member or not. The same is also clear in the reply that you have received from PMI.



ranatungawk's picture
