Need books for PMP exam preparation


Can somebody please share the latest PMBOK guide and Rita Mulcahy PMP books ?

Guessing PMBOK 5TH edition is the latest and Rita's Mulcahy -8th Edition is the latest ?
Please correct me if I am not guessing the latest versions.

Many thanks in advance!


admin's picture

These books are not free, You can get PMI membership and you will be able to download PMBOK 5 for free. Ritas book needs to be purchased

Thank you. I recently got PMI membership. So, I got PMBOK 5. I would buy Rita's book on your suggestion.

just curious to know, how early would PMBOK 6 WOULD come up ? And if it comes up, Is that PMBOK 5 EDITION would loose some information.

Actually what i am trying to find out is will there be change of edition before DECEMBER 2014, OR jANUARY 2015 ?