What is the right time to become PMI memeber!

 Hi All,

I have earned 35 PDUs and  i have filled the online application for PMP. I am abou tto submit the application in a day or two.

Till now, i have not become PMI member.

Here my question, If we become PMI member after submitting the application and before paying the exam fee, does my membership get considered and avail all the benefits?




 I believe you will get the discount, however if you have decided to take the exam why delay the membership?

This is an interesting question Venkat.

Why don't you try and speak to the PMI office in Delhi @  91-124-4517140.

You can become a PMI member anytime or definitely before you are submitting your form to get the discount.


And as respected Pawarji says, Money saved is money earned...


Njoi... KK....

You should become PMI member because it has lots of financial benefits. You straight away save $150 when you schedule your exam. Two scenarios you can consider:

1. In case you need study material from PMI (e.g. PMBOK soft copy, other materials) – Become member right now without any wait
2. In case you do not need any material from PMI – Try to become member around a month before you plan to give the PMP exam, it has many potential financial benefits as:
    2.1 In case you are caught in audit you have a month time…this is sufficient
    2.2 If you fail in the PMP exam, you still have 11 months membership validity and this is a good time even if you fail the second time. (Members $275, Non Member $375)
    2.3 If you pass the PMP the first attempt, you still have 11 months membership validity, in these 11 months you can try to get 60 PDU for “Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program” (Members $60, Non Member $150)

Consider these aspects and take a decision.

Saket, PMP

prashant.spce's picture

Saket sir..

Can you please elaborate more on the point below from your reply above?

2.1 In case you are caught in audit you have a month time…this is sufficient

we have a month time for?



Short answer – 1 month time to clear the audit process

Long answer: let’s say I took PMI membership on 1st August and I plan to sit in the PMP exam on 31st August. I pay the PMP exam fee on 3rd August and was caught in Audit. PMI would send you all details for the audit process and the applications where you need signatures. Say, by 10th August you arrange all necessary documents with signature and ship it to PMI. So by 22-25 August your Audit should be complete and you can appear for the exam as planned. Hence you should consider the worst case (Audit) and keep a month buffer for the exam date.

Hope this helps.

Saket, PMP

Hi all,


Thanks a lot for your valuable time spent to reply my question. As suggested above , i called the PMI, delhi office and checked with them. They said that , if we want to avail the benefits of PMI membership, you should become the member any time before you pay the actual exam fee.



Yes. But, you would not have got PDU's, you would have got 35 contact hours.
You can read more about it here: https://www.pmbypm.com/pmp-pdu-validity/