As a PMP can i tutor people or develop an exam simulator

Hi people.

I was wondering if as a PMP i am allowed to tutor other people with private lessons for a fee (mostly work colleagues).

I know the PMI have something called REP (Registered Education Provider), but i was thinking on tutoring only and not developing any kind of course (less a course elegible for PDU's). I think REP is orientated to academies and so.

What do you think?

Also i would like to develop an exam simulator in my native language (there is none). Am i allowed to do it?


Im quite aware that in any case im not allowed to reproduce PMI material withouth authorization or breach any copyright, of course.


Thanks ¡¡

PMP Fighter's picture

+1, i would also want to know.

naeem.farooqui's picture

Get PMI Approval before using any content from PMI publication.

However you can create your own notes/books/simulator without violationg copyright laws.

Thanks naeem ¡¡