Passed PMP...Few doubts


I  am pmpcertified now. I had few doubts. Can anyone help?

1. My PMI membership is ending this month. Shall I renew it or not required?

2. How should I start with collecting PDU's? any link for good read on this?

3. Is this benifitial to join any chapter. If yes any particular you suggest ? I live in pune maharashtra.

4. Any further reading you can suggest. That will help me in improving and retaining knowledge,





admin's picture

 Congratulations, You can renew your PMI membership if you feel the need, its not required to renew. Personally i dont see great value and in countries like India when you convert to rupees the renwal cost seems high.

Check the Link on this forum to collect the PDUs. ,

Joining the chapter and attending the meetings is a good Idea, you get to network with people, and get to know a new perspective every time. The quality of the chapter depends upon the experience of people attending the chapter.

Be in continous touch with PM material, you can subscribe to some online feeds, join PMI Chapter for Pune, read the blogs on PMI , participate in trainings in your organization, maybe even teach some class, all this will keep you upto date with PM knowledge. 
