Passed PMP with 1 P and 4 MP's
Submitted by supriya2211 on Sat, 07/30/2016 - 01:17
Feeling really happy and relieved to Pass. Although i was not very active member of this forum but i used to visit it
everyday to view the""PMP exam discussions and PMP Exam Tips, Tricks and Lessons Learnt" which helped me a lot.
Preparation time - Around 5 months with 2 hrs study on weekdays and no study on weekends.
Only in the last month took leave from office and did a focussed study of 5-6 hours daily.
Mock tests - Tried many Mock tests from various sources which i am listing below.
1. Christopher scordo pmp questions
2. Sean Whitaker pmp questions
3. Oliver Lehmann 75 & 175
4. Certchamp
5. Project management academy
6. Greycampus
7. PMZILLA tough 30
8. Edwel
9. Techfaq360
10. Headfirst
11. 206-free-pmp-exam-questions
12. Brainbok
13. magnaqm_quiz
14. MockExam4u_sample
15. Pmhub
16. Pmstudy
17. prepare_pm
18. Tutorial_point
19. Whizlabs
21. izenbridge free 100 questions
22. PMZest free questions
23. Exam central
24. Ginger Levin, J. LeRoy Ward 9th edition
25. certgear
26. free pm exam simulator by cornious fitchner
27. Passionatepm
28. 600 ques although more than 1000 available)
Study book - Mainly PMBOK and Rita Mulachy
Exam details - Exam was a mixed bag having questons ranging from low difficulty to high.However
10 % of questions were of low difficulty, 60% medium and 30% high.
Lot of focus on initiating and closing.Also many questions were from pre-initiating phase.
There were lot of questions involving stakeholders,communications,change management,collect requirements process.
Some 3-4 questions on beta distribution.
6-7 questions on EVM in which very simple calculations were involved.
2 questions on network diagram.
Overall i would say a lot of focussed and dedicated study needed to prepare for the exam.
Thu, 08/04/2016 - 04:35
Congratulations, ! you have
Congratulations, ! you have take a huge number of tests. for benefit of others, can you rate your top tests, which you feel will be most useful for PMP aspirants.
Thanks for this super post.