Passed PMP 08/08

Hi All:

I passed the PMP exam on my first try on the 8/8. I was a little shocked at how similiar the practice exams were. I used the PMP Exam simulator. It was SPOT on. To study I read Rita's book and the PMBOK. I read Rita's book one time, then signed up for the exam 4 weeks later. During the first two weeks I re-read Rita's book alongside the PMBOK. The third week I did practice exams. Fourth week I re-read the PMBOK and Rita's book to fill in my gaps. 


I used all the free exams I could find, but on the 4th week - I got a little nervous so I purchased the PM Exam simulator and scored 80, 79 and 80 on three exams. 


admin's picture

Congratulations on your PMP