My Experience in Passing PMP Exam


My Experience in Passing PMP Exam


This is my experience in passing the PMP exam :



You have to read the PMP Book and make sure to read Glassory section because some of the questions from that part.



Focus on the ITTO ( Input, Tool , techniques, Output ) for each processes




Focus on the process group relationship



Do some simulation test before the exam


Find some good files that can help in that :



PMP Exam Formula [ This is a one page in PDF that show you all the formula that you have to use in PMP exam ]   




PMP ITTO [ This is a one page that help you to memorize the ITTO for each process




PMP Process Group [ this is a one page also that help you to know the relationship between all the processes ]




PMP EXAM simulation TEST [ online ]


Finally, I gave this advises to one of my friend and he pass the PMP exam last week .


I wish all the best for everyone to pass the PMP Exam.

The PMP Guru's picture

This looks more like an advertisement to me rather than Lesson Learned.

kind regards,

The PMP Guru

The links are fine, thanks for sharing the info. But memorizing all the ITTOs is not advisable as per most of the bestseller authors of PMP Preparation Guides - Heldman, Andy Crowe and Rita Mulcahy included. The simulated tests are great but some major mistakes are there in the answer, one really made me fall off my chair -- this was a question about PERT - M is 6, O is 3 and P is 9. Answer is 6.3 given in the exam. I thought it is 12+24=36 divide by 6 = 6. May be I am wrong after all, (P+4M+O) / 6 is what I thought.

But the tests are good otherwise.



The following website was helpful in completing the hours completed/PM experience. Well put together spreadsheet and it calculates the hours as well.


I agree with PMPGuru, looks like an ad rather than tips to pass.