CPM related question

You are depending on a consultant to assist your team in creating a specific project deliverable. The account rep for the consulting company calls and tells you that the consultant's previous assignment will run over and asks if you can delay bringing the consultant in for a week. How would you answer this question?

A.  No, because you have a contractual obligation with the consulting company that states the consultant you need will be available on the previously agreed-upon date.
B.  You would ask for more information about why the consultant's previous assignment is taking longer than expected and evaluate the answer before giving a response.
C.  You would execute a forward pass on your network diagram to determine the earliest date that the consultant's activities could start.
D.  You would execute a backward pass on your network diagram to determine the latest date that the consultant's activities could start.


Thank you all.

admin's picture

According to me B is correct.

Question does not state anything about contractual commitments nor does it state that consultants work is on critical path.

yes i also agree with B. PM needs to investigate befor making decisions

 Project manager need not bother about what the consultant is or was working on and why it takes time, he should be concerend with his project and the delays on his project. So C will be the best answer according to me.

That is why he should do a backword pass and see how long he can wait for the consultant to join. The correct answer should be D.

should be a since a consultant would be under contract and should oblige with contractual agreements. specfically states consultant and not team member.

The consultant is expected to join on a particular date but the question does not suggest in any way that the consultant is under contract to join on that day and can not be late.

Even if we assume that there is a contract and it has now been breached, the FIRST step is to find out the impact of the problem which will be to find out how much the project can be delayed. Answer A is a reactive action and will not be a best answer. The manager can accuse the consultant for breach of contract but he is still going to join late. So best answer is the evaluate the impact of the delay which is D.