Vendor attendance certificate - PDUs

Hi all,

Since I have a project related VMWare virtualization product, and I will attend 40 hours training course during the project implementation and get a completeion certificate after the course.

I would like to know the vendor certificate can claim the PDUs or not.

Thanks a lot!

cnppmp's picture

The eligible vendors or organization are listed in the PMI website search specific vendor or specific topic to fnd if the PDU would be eligible or number of PDUs you can collect.


CN Patil

Thanks for your prompt reply. But I cannot find the link to search the eligible vendors in the PMI website, would you please send the link to me.

Thanks and Regards,


But yu can search here and see if it qualifies


And after search you still have doubts than I think you can email pmi and clarify

cnppmp's picture

use this link:

You should proceed further as if you are going submit your earned PDUs..You get to a screen where in you are allowed to search on search string vendor name or org name or exact program code..



CN Patil

cnppmp's picture

Also other way of finding is through Registered Eductaion Provider in PMI website itself.


CN Patil

cnppmp's picture

Also other way of finding is through Registered Eductaion Provider in PMI website itself.


CN Patil

 Thanks cnppmp, this link , this really helps