Advise needed on listening to 3rd edition of The Premium Project Management PrepCast
Submitted by esakki_sundar on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 02:23
Although i visit this forum reguarly, this is my first post in the forum .
I have downloaded the "The Premium Project Management PrepCast™" which is based on the 3rd edition of PMBOK Guide (could not find a torrent based on 4th edition of PMBOK). I have a question. Is it advisible to listen to this 3rd edtion while preparing the exam with the books of Ritas,Andy Crowe PMP which are based on PMBOK 4th edition. Does it confuse the exam takers a lot ?
Fri, 07/09/2010 - 03:55
Dear Sundar Questions like
Dear Sundar
Questions like these are not allowed on this forum. You have downloaded a torrent and asking others to advise you. ? Its piracy and you have also violated the PMI code of conduct.
I have to be terse here, since 1st you used a torrent and 2nd you think its perfectly legal and post questions here.