35 hours of contact education - Best resources
Submitted by avipat80 on Thu, 07/05/2012 - 00:04
Dear friends,
kindly let me know the best resources online for getting 35 hours of contact educatioin. i see so many people recommending pmprepcast. is it good?
Please let me know your feedback ASAP.
Thank you very much in anticipation,
Thu, 07/05/2012 - 00:07
I am based out of US. So,
I am based out of US. So, please suggest, those learning resources that are available in USA.
Thu, 07/05/2012 - 06:15
Choose the one that suits you...
There is nothing like global BEST. Choose the one that suits you and your budget. You might take these into considerations.
1. PM boot camp can just give you some high level PMP understanding, end of day you have to read books and understand the concepts yourself.
2. Do not get carried out in 30 days of preparations as you will be said to do so. Put ample time in PMP preparations like 3 months assuming 2-3 hours per day.
3. Choose the workshop with higher face-to-face interaction. i.e. 4 day boot camp instead of 2. Avoid virtual training as it has lesser impact.
4. Check your pocket before choosing options. 80-20 rule applies everywhere. 80% of training is same everywhere…wherever you go.
5. Make sure its REP
6. Choose the centre nearest to your place to avoid travelling and its cost.
Saket, PMP
Sun, 02/28/2016 - 13:37
You may explore our program
You may explore our program and check some of the sample videos :
Thu, 06/30/2016 - 14:53
BEst PMP training course
I have done a comparison of popular online training courses - both self-learning courses and instructor-led courses.
If you are looking for a self-learning option, you should read comparison of popular self-learning online PMP training courses. It will help you in determining which is the best one for you.
You can get an self-learning course for as little as $50. For complete recommendation and prices, you should check the above article.
On the other hand, if you are looking for an instructor led option, then You can read comparison of popular instructor-led online PMP training courses
All the best.