Cleared PMP on 11th April


I am silent listener of PM Zilla Forum and its really helped a lot to do preparation for PMP. I started preparation on 1st week of Feb and went through the company training which was great boost up to give exam. So daily 4-5 hrs I did study. I strategy was to complete the books first then practice the mock exams as much as possible. I went through the books:  1.HeadFirst ( its good book to start with) 2. Rita Prep twice(Once you get the concept then you get follow more ). 3. PMBOK twice (Its ultimate book and each line you need to read and remember). I practiced Rita fast track, Head first qs and also did some free tests e.g pmstudy, simpllearn etc. Also did PMZilla tough questions which was really tough and while doing I was again forced to read PMBOK. Its a really eye opener.

PMP exam is really tough and it creates a pressure on you because of so much money involved. But 2-3 months dedicated study is sufficient. Too much study also deviate the focus. So better a fix a date and start preparation.

In the exam, I reached exam on time although I planned to reach early but became late in traffic. So after showing identity and doing formlity I entered in exam. I was little bit tensed but after starting exam I forgot my tension and become fully involved. I went through each and every sentence of the question and also matched the answers. If I was not sure I selected the best of two because out of four options you can easily eliminate the wrong twos. Between left twos its difficult to select so selected the best one. I marked very few questions because I am not good in reviewing. My average was 50 questions per hour. I took a 5 mins break after completing 100 qs and completed test in total 3 hrs 40 mins. While reviewing I found one qs was unanswered. So check in review that you have answered all the questions. After completeing exam, blank screen came and then center survey started. While doing survey , all the negative thoughts was running in my mind. At the end Congratulations appeared . I was feeling very much satisfied. Finally Project PMP closed.

My score was Initiaing,Planning,M & C - Proficient, Execution & Closing - Moderetly Proficient.

Thanks to PM zilla forum.It worked a insipiration for me. Also thanks to my family who supported me while preparing for my exam.

All the best and keep sharing.


admin's picture

Thanks for endorsing PMZilla 200 tough questions. Congratulations on your PMP and glad to know that overall PMZilla was helpful to you.




I am getting an average of 53% in PMZilla 200 tough questions and two more weeks to go for my exam.  I am planning to go through Rita and PMBOK one more time starting next week. 

Any advise/suggestions to me from anybody? 

